Seeking the Ruin of My Soul

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The St. Michael Prayer is one of my favorites.  My spiritual life truly is a battlefield. There are minor skirmishes, battles, and then full out wars within myself.  There is almost a constant struggle between spirit and the flesh.  As Our Lord says,

“The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” -Matthew 26:41

As the Lord reveals His will to me and draws me towards something He wants me to do,  I can feel a tangible presence that wants to pull me away from Him.  Something looming and oppressive.  Something that sprinkles doubt and fear.

This is especially true during Lent as I try to “up the game,” if you will, with extra penances and devotions.  Things that torment the devil, throwing him into overtime to bring about the ruin of my soul.

But Jesus reminds me not to be afraid and not to doubt His will for me.

My Contemplation

I was praying my spiritual combat prayers (I pray the Auxilium Christianorum prayers and a few prayers from Fr. Ripperger’s Book ) because I was feeling incredibly oppressed and fearful.  When the Lord blessed me with this powerful imagery.

I am seated at the feet of my Lord.  Resting my chin upon His knees gazing up and adoring Him.  He is radiantly beautiful and exudes a warm comforting light.

But behind me I can hear the snarls and growls of a savage beast.  I want to look at it, but I keep my eyes focused on Jesus.  It snarls again sending a shiver of fear down my spine.  Jesus looks down at me, distraught at my fear, but His heart is moved with compassion for me.

I can hear the beast closer now, it’s breath hot on the back of my neck, but Jesus raises His hand and His Almighty power makes the beast retreat shrieking, whining, and crying.

Immediately all the heaviness of the fear and oppression leave me.  They melt away and are replaced with peace and a hushed calmness as I return to adoring my Lord, Jesus.

Stay Focused

Lent is a time when I feel so much closer to Jesus, but at the same time a heavy oppression covers my soul.  The devil wants so desperately to make me turn my face away from Jesus and focus on the lies he spews in fear and malice.

The last line of the St. Michael Prayer has always struck me deep in my core.  “And all the other evil spirits who prowl around the world seeking the ruin of souls.”  The devil and his minions are beasts.  They lurk in the shadows, hunting and stalking me, waiting for the opportunity to pounce.  They want to decay my relationship with the Lord through lies and temptations.  They want to weaken me with oppression and despair, which leads me to slothfulness and procrastination.

If I keep my eyes focused on Jesus I am able to persevere and do His will even when I don’t really feel like it.  Even when the devil oppresses me and makes me want to be lazy.  Even when the devil puts excuses into my mind to talk me out of my promised prayer and penances.

The devil makes excuses, he lies, and spews fear.  But Jesus strengthens, speaks truth, and infuses courage.  So remain focused this lent on the power, righteousness, and fortitude of our Lord and Savior.

Thrive in Jesus, my Friends!

How do you remain focused on Jesus during lent?  Do you feel you have extra temptations?  How do you combat them?

Leave me a comment and let me know!