Personal Meditation: The One Who Asks

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This is written to be used as a personal meditation.  Take it into your time of prayer and listen for the Lord to speak to you through it.  Open your heart and see how much He loves you.


Picture yourself kneeling before our Lord on the Cross. His gaze so full of anguished sorrow, turns and gives you His complete attention.  Inside your pocket is is a piece of paper.  You reach in and feel the crinkle of it against your fingertips, and carefully pull it from your pocket.  You carefully unfold it, the sound of the paper seems to echo through the air.

There is a list written on it.  Words that are familiar to you.  Your wants… Your desires…    Your needs…  The list is long.  It fills the whole paper, front and back.  You begin to read them aloud.  Requests rising up to Him hanging on the cross.  One at a time.  So many things.

You kneel before the dying Lord, reciting each line on the list, failing to notice Him.  You are busy reciting your list, while He is….

You look up at Him, in agony on the Cross.  You take in the horrific condition of His body.  Wounded, bloodied, and bruised.  Not one inch of Him is left unharmed.  His face especially, swollen and crimson.

He is dying on the cross, and you are reciting your list.  He who went farther for you than anyone else.  You ask so much of Him, and He freely and lovingly gives it all.  Without bitterness, without contempt, without anger, without resentment… while dying on the cross.


Take some time now to make a list of all the things who would, and have, requested of the Lord.  Take this list and place it at His feet on the Cross and be silent with Him.  Taking in all of His love, and offering your own love in return.


Thrive in Jesus, my Friends!

You can read the post associated with this Meditation here.