The Two Standards Part Two: The Standard of Jesus Christ

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Last week I shared a contemplation from the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. It was the Standard of Lucifer. A standard of evil that promotes chaos, hatred, disorder, and sin. It is the side of anger, despair, torture, and pride. To walk under the Standard of Lucifer is to walk the broad road to destruction.

This week I want to share my contemplation from the other standard. The Standard of our Lord and Savior.

The Standard of Jesus Christ

“Represent to yourself a beautiful plain near Jerusalem.  It is rough in appearance, but pleasant and happy.  There you will see Our Lord, not on a throne, but mingling with His subjects attracting all hearts by the beauty and irresistible charm of His looks.  There are united the just and the saints of all ages- patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, penitents, virgins, doctors, holy pontiffs; not of the vices or weaknesses that dishonor humanity; on the contrary, all virtues, and these carried even to heroism.  He shows Himself as the most beautiful of the children of men, an image of joy, calm, and consolation.  He leads souls to perfection.”

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, TAN Classics, p. 129-130

My Contemplation on The Standard of Jesus

My contemplation begins where I ended last week, with me clinging to the robes of Jesus, begging Him not to leave me in Babylon.

“Don’t force me to leave you here,” Jesus whispers.  I can see the deep sorrow in His face as if He is experiencing the agony all over again.

My own heart shatters at the thought of how many times I have chosen Babylon with my sins.

He pulls me to my feet, “Close your eyes,” He says.

But I am afraid to close them… the thought overtakes me, What if He leaves me here?

He waits patiently for me to obey.  I close them slowly and wait.  It is completely silent now, but I then start to hear a soft hum growing louder and louder.

Voices slowly become apparent, but they are not like the evil voices I had just been overcome by.  They are joyful and happy.

His voice comes through gently, “Open your eyes.”

When I do we are on the plains of Jerusalem.  The sun is shining brightly and there are so many people walking around, talking and hugging each other.  Everything and everyone is beautiful.  I am taken aback by the beauty of this place compared to Babylon.  

Jesus hugs me here, “This is where I want you always.”

I could have stood there for all eternity in that embrace.  I was completely filled with all His love, comfort, and peace.  

He releases me slowly, turns, and begins greeting everyone He sees warmly and lovingly. 

St. Gemma comes to my side and takes my hand.  She tows me along joyfully through the crowd.  

Every person we meet radiates a light.  It was a lesser light than that of Jesus, but warm and inviting.  It is as if I can see their hearts, cheerful and open.  It reminded me of when the sun comes out after several days of clouds in winter.  When it is cold, making me alert and aware, but the warmth of the sun on my face filling me with such joy.

This feeling is repeated and magnified with each Saint we meet.  

It was a small taste of what it feels like to be in His presence.  That warmth, love, and comfort magnified forever. 

The Standard of Virtue

Heaven is real, my Friends, and should be strived for endlessly!

The Standard of Jesus calls for holiness and heroic virtue.  A call that is difficult and requires a great deal of courage.  But the truth of it is, the Lord longs so deeply for me to be with Him, marching under His Standard.  It causes Him the deepest sorrow to see me choose the Standard of Lucifer, which I do far too often.

Choose Your Standard

“Consider that we are all placed between Jesus Christ and Lucifer, and that it is equally impossible either to serve both at once- “No one can serve two masters” (Matthew 6:24)– or to remain neutral without serving one or other, for Jesus Christ says, “He who is not with Me is against Me.” (Luke 11:23).  It is, then, necessary to make a choice.”

-Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, TAN Classics, p. 130

As I compare the two standards it seems such an easy choice.

The Captain of Lucifer leads with hatred, lies, oppression.  The Captain of Jesus Christ leads with love, joy, and truth.

The Standard of Lucifer steals my peace and tranquility.  The Standard of Jesus Christ blesses me with His generous grace.

The Standard of Lucifer strives to make me a partaker in his punishment.  The Standard of Jesus Christ endeavors to make me a companion in His glory.

The Standard of Lucifer promises everlasting torture.  The Standard of Jesus Christ promises eternal glory.

Jesus seeks us out of the purest love, while the devil seeks us out of pure hatred.

The choice seems so blatantly simple when listed like this.  So, why do I continue to sin, day in and day out?  Why can’t I just make the choice to march under the Standard of Jesus Christ and that be my final answer?

It is because the devil is cunning and works endlessly to drag me to eternal misery.  For I am a woman blinded by sin.  I am a woman blinded by pride and fear.  I am a woman riddled with worry and disquiet.  I am a woman who too often believes the lies of Lucifer.

Lucifer does everything in his power to grab ahold of my heart.  When his cold evil hands reach out and grab my oh so wavering heart, he leaves a void of darkness that can only be filled by Jesus.

This is when I need to turn to the sunshine that is Jesus Christ.  Like in My contemplation, the light found on the plain of Jerusalem is where my eyes will be opened, my heart will be strengthened, and truth will be revealed.

So, I will choose to bask in the radiating light of the love of our Lord, Jesus.

Thrive in Jesus, my Friends!

Take some time this week to weigh where you stand.  Are your choice moving you under the Standard of Jesus or that of Lucifer?  Ask the Lord to reveal to you where you need to make changes and what is required of you to march under His Holy Standard.

Leave a comment if you are moved by the Spirit to do so!