Precious Gift

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I honestly wasn’t really sure what I was going to share about this week.  My brain kind of stalled out… I told you I struggle with Advent.  The Lord gave me a small morsel of grace, revealing the beauty of Advent to my Passion-focused mind.

This post will be short and sweet.

Lost in the Busy-ness

I realized I was getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. Lost in the laundry list of things I need to get done in preparation for Christmas, but that list never seems to get smaller.  This of course the devil uses to create anxiety, worry, and chaos.

I was drawn again to the shepherds. They were busy too.  They were out in the field watching over and caring for the sheep.  Day in and day out, their list of things to take care of, I’m sure, was never-ending too.

But do you think even for a second they were too busy to go and find the infant Jesus and adore Him?

No, after seeing the glory of the angels, they dropped everything and ran to find Him.  They dropped their busy work, forgetting all the tediousness and the tiresome list.  They left everything, ran to the stable, and sat at the feet of the Holy Mother as she cares for her newborn Son.

This is what the Lord wanted to point out to me.  That is what He wants me to see right now.  That my busy-ness is keeping me from adoring Him.  I’m not dropping everything to spend time with Him as I should.

Immaculate Mother

So, I dropped everything and placed myself in that humble stable.  I took a quiet seat at the feet of our Holy Mother.  I watched her gently rock Him, consoling her newborn son, pressing Him tenderly against her Immaculate Heart. 

She adjusts Him carefully so I can get a better look at His darling face.  I reach up as His precious hand falls from His swaddle.  He gently grasps my finger and I immediately receive the image of the beloved hand of my crucified Lord.  The nail wound is straight through the palm of His hand and His precious blood trickles into my own hands.

Oh, my heart, weeps that this precious babe would endure that wound for my sake.

Precious Gift

The Holy Mother wants to share her Son with me.  She brings Him in her arms to me.  It is a gift to sit in quiet repose and adore Him as she rocks Him so lovingly.

He is the greatest gift.  A gift that no one would have thought to even ask for.  But the infinite love of God the Father thought of this gift.  This gift that would one day pay the ultimate price for my salvation.

Thrive in Jesus, my Friends!

Take some time and sit at the feet of the Holy Mother this Advent.  Adore her precious Son in her arms, and be ever thankful for the most glorious gift ever given to humanity.