Generous Savior

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The generosity of our Lord hit me pretty hard over the past week.  His gracious gifts constantly showering me, helping me, and strengthening me.  How generous is the Lord in coming down to earth as a baby, born in a dirty stable.  Only the most generous love would endure all that He did for those who do not truly love Him.

While I was praying through my weekly Thursday Holy Hour His generosity poured over me.  He showed me the greatness of this giving.  The endlessness of His giving. The beauty of His giving.

My Meditation

His generosity knows no bounds.  His infinite and gracious gifts are an embrace of His goodness.  He who never stop begging for my heart.  He who never stops longing for my soul.

What generosity in His humble birth!  A King born in a dirty stable.  A baby peaceful in the manger.  Resting among the lowly cows, and sleeping lambs.  My Lord humbling Himself to become like me.  To shape and arrange His power to fit in the world He created.  Tiny and helpless is the Savior of the whole world.  Showing the nature of my loving Lord.

What generosity that this babe would grow to be a man despised, rejected and unwanted.  His passion, suffering, and death the greatest gift given to me.  The generosity given by accepting each humiliation, each blow, each strike, each fall, and each painful wound.  The generosity of  choosing to be nailed hand and foot to the cross and remain there, hung for three bitter hours for the salvation of my soul.  The generosity of my Lord as He endured such cruelty.  The anguish of a lonely heart, sustained by love for me.  My gracious Redeemer chooses these pains for my heart.  That it be His and His alone.

I abound in ingratitude and forgetfulness of You, my gracious Savior.  Take my heart, as pitiful as it may be, as an offering of gratitude.  My heart is filled with thanksgiving because of His suffering love.  For His loving sacrifice for a miserable sinner like me.


In this season of Advent it is easy to be focused on the waiting and the anticipation of Christmas, the greatest gift the Lord ever blessed the world with. It is really easy to miss the gracious gifts He is showering on me every single day.  The little sweet gifts: a compliment from a stranger, a really good parking spot, a good night sleep….

He is constantly caring for me, looking out for me, and providing for me.  This meditation was a wonderful reminder of that.  As I wait, with joyful anticipation, for the coming of our Lord on Christmas Day I see the many gifts He blesses me with, moment by moment.

Thrive in Jesus, my Friends!

How does the Lord bless you on a daily basis?  What little gifts of love does He give you?  Leave me a comment and let me know!

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