5 Questions To Ask the Lord In Prayer

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Prayer is the best way to get to know the Lord and build a relationship with Him.  Meditating on Scripture is the surest way to hear His voice because it is His word written in the Bible.

You can, however, pray with and/or about anything really.  Over the past few months, for example, I have been praying with journaling prompts.  Questions that are simply used to help me focus on something to write, in this case pray, about.

I know mediating can be difficult, especially if you are just starting to practice it.  So, I wanted to share some questions I have used in my prayer time, with or without scripture that may provide a focus if you are struggling in meditation.

5 Questions To Ask The Lord In Prayer

1. What do you want to say to me, Lord?

There have been many times when I have entered prayer with a particular issue, problem, or question that I wanted to talk about.  The key being my agenda.  There may be something very specific He wants to reveal to you, but He can’t do that if you are unwilling to truly listen.

Ask this question, be silent, and listen for His answer.  Be open to where He wants to take you, which can be difficult.  But so worth it!

2. What do You want me to see in this scripture passage?  Situation?

There are times when I am met with a great deal of confusion and anxiety during meditation.  I have grown to realize that this means there is something inside me the Lord is trying to shine the light on, and the enemy is trying to prevent that.

This can also be applied to a situation in my life that may be causing me a lot of anxiety and worry.  So, I’ll ask the Lord, what do you want me to see?  What do you want me to learn here?

3. Lord, can You please clarify this for me?

The Lord is always certain.  He is always steady and absolute.  We all live through situations that are uncertain.  In these situations we can turn to the Lord and ask Him to clarify what is going on.  His clarity helps me see the “bigger picture.”  It is this understanding, for me, that provides peace and a hopeful trust in Him.

I have found this to be especially helpful after going through a stressful time.  When I can look back and allow the Lord to show me where He was present, how much He helped me through it, and a little insight into His wisdom.

4. What do you want me to do, Lord?

We are called to follow His will.  This isn’t always easy, or clear, if the enemy gets involved.  As the enemy reaps confusion, I begin to doubt the certainty the Lord has given me.  This doubt causes me to become unmovable and unreactive to His invitations.

Ask the Lord to help you make a decision.  He sees and knows all things and is best able to guide you.

5. Why am I feeling this way?

The Lord created us with emotions, and they are powerful things. They have become for me a good compass for my relationship with the Lord.  They are a good indicator of if I am in consolation or desolation. They are a good gauge for if my wants and desires are in line with the will of the Lord.

Emotions, however, are easily muddled by the enemy, which is why this question is so important to ask Him.

It’s important to remember that the Lord never grows tired of you asking questions.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”  -Matthew 7:7-8

Take all your questions to prayer with trustful confidence, and listen to the answers the Lord has for you.

Thrive in Jesus, my Friends!

What questions do you ask the Lord?  What big answers has He given you? Leave me comment and let me know!  

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